Visa Platinum

Validity 4 Years
Urgent issuance fee 20 GEL
Reissuance of lost/damaged card 80 GEL
Card renewal fee Free - if the card was renewed 1 month prior, within and after its expiration date
GEL 80 - all other cases
Card maintenance fee 100 GEL
Payment fee at merchant Free
PIN renewal fee Free
From PASHA Bank ATM Free
From all domestic ATM 0.5%, min. 1 USD/EUR or 1 GEL
From international ATM 2.5%, min. 5 USD/EUR or 10 GEL
From domestic banks' POS 2.5%, min. 5 USD/EUR or 10 GEL
From international banks' POS 2.5%, min. 5 USD/EUR or 10 GEL
From ATM (volume) Daily 5,000 GEL, or equiv.
From POS (volume) Daily 20,000 GEL, or equiv.
ATM withdrawal (quantity) 15 withdrawals
Purchase limit (volume) Daily 10,000 GEL or equiv.
"Purchases limit including online purchases (quantity)" 25 transactions
Online purchase limit (quantity) 10 transactions
Local stop list Free
"International stop list (1 week 1 region)" 50 USD

*Pay attention to the fact that different tariffs are applied to non-resident individuals